Virtual Victorian Hanging Basket Workshop Options
Welcome to the options section for our Virtual Victorian Hanging Basket Workshop!
Choose from the various options below to use for your own beautiful creation! Go ahead and scroll through to pick your favourite! Once you're finished, complete your purchase here. And don't forget to put the name of your selection in the comments section at checkout.
Double Delight - (an option for sun)
- 3 Bacopa White C
- 3 Scaevola White C
- 3 Petunia Blue Wave M
- 3 Calibrachoa Hot Pink O
Bahama Beach - (an option for sun)
- 3 Lobelia Blue C
- 3 Petunia Bordeaux M
- 3 Calibrachoa Lemon Slice O
- 3 Scavola Sundiva White O
Lilac Festival - (an option for sun)
- 3 Petunia Supertunia Royal Velvet M
- 2 Verbena Superbena Violet Ice C
- 3 Petunia Supertunia Trail. Blue Vein O
- Calibrachoa Yellow O
Frosty Shade - (an option for shade)
- 2 Begonia Nonstop White C
- 1 Plectranthus Swedish Ivy C
- 3 Impatiens White M
- 2 Bacopa White O
- 2 Scavola Sundiva White O
Pop the Bubbly - (an option for sun)
- 3 Petunia Easy Wave Yellow O
- 3 Verbena Superbena Whiteout C
- 3 Nemesia Sunsatia Lemon M
Memory Lane - (an option for sun)
- Plectranthus Swedish Ivy C
- 1 Geranium Survivor Pink M
- 1 Geranium Survivor Hot Pink M
- 1 Geranium Survivor Dark Red M
- 1 Geranium Mini Cascade Lavender Pink, & Red O
Solar Power - (an option for sun)
- 3 Calibrachoa Midnight Purple M
- 3 Calibrachoa Hot Orange O
- 3 Nemesia Sunsatia Lemon C
Succulent Zoo - (an option for sun)
- 3 Doreanthus Mezoo C
- 1 Echevaria Pearl Van Nurmberg M
- 2 Echevaria nodulosa M
- 1 Echevaria rosea M
- 1 Lysimachia 1 Dragons blood Sedum O
- 1 Sedum Angelina O
Triple Treat - (an option for part shade)
- 1 Plectranthus Swedish Ivy C
- 3 Fuschia Gartenmeister M
- 4 Impatiens Lavender Blue O
- 3 Begonia Nonstop Orange C
Sky Blue Passion - (an option for part shade)
- 3 Begonia Bliss Yellow C
3 Euphorbia Diamond Frost M
3 Lobelia Dark Blue O
2 Scaveola Surdiva White O
Sweet Marguerite (an option or part shade)
- 1 Plectranthus Ivy C
- 3 Impatiens Beacon Violet M
- 3 Bacopa Megacopa White O
- 3 Scavola Sundiva White O
Hummers Delight (an option for part shade)
- 3 Fuschia Angel Earings Snowflake C
- 3 Torenia Summer Wave Amethyst M
- 2 Scavola Sundiva White O
- 2 Lobelia Magadi White O